Ronan Browne was born in Manchester and  grew  up in Dalkey in 1950s and 60s. He has been writing poetry (mainly) and prose since the early 70s. His work has been published in Revival Press published by The White House Poets, Limerick and he has also been published in anthologies and in-house work magazines. Over the years he has read his work in venues in Dublin, Limerick and Listowel. In December 2018 he presented an half an hour of his work on Dublin South FM's programme, Rhyme and Reason.   


Ronan is a founder member of the writers' group Chapter and Verse which met in Killiney and he has been a member and contributor to the events of Dalkey Writers' Workshop for three years now. 




The man in the wheelchair with the picture board

is sitting across the harbour from me.

We are connecting with the world

in our not dissimilar ways.

And the tide is coming in.


Copyright: Ronan Browne

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Ronan Browne