I set up Dalkey Writers’ Workshop in 2003 in Dalkey Library. I had asked permission from the Senior Librarian in Dalkey to do this. Advertisements were put up around Dalkey to announce the event and time of the first meeting. At the appointed time, 7.30pm, I sat in the library, nervous but hopeful, and waited. Slowly people began to drift in, not quite sure who I was or what it was all about. As each person arrived, I explained the reasons why I wanted to set up a Writers’ Workshop; I said that I had been writing poetry and short stories for some time and had ideas why a writers’ group should be set up in Dalkey. I answered questions and people settled down. We discussed various basic rules and decided to meet every second Thursday evening for two hours. Members could write poems, short stories and autobiographies in English and Irish. I asked people to bring eight copies of their work to each meeting so that everybody could have a copy. We intended discussing the items presented politely and positively and advice to improve the piece could be offered to the authors. We agreed that authors could accept our advice or reject it as they chose.
Dalkey Writers’ Workshop grew and flourished and we published our first anthology, Echoes from the Deep, in 2005. Three of the members edited the book; Mary Hanlon, Paul Candon and myself. We were very lucky that we had a wonderful member, Alma Brayden, who wrote excellent poetry and painted as well. I invited her to paint the cover of the book and was delighted with her evocative design. I then decided to invite the world famous author, Maeve Binchy, to launch the book in Dalkey Library. She invited me to her house in Dalkey and I met herself and her husband, Gordon Snell. She was so welcoming and positive and said she was very happy to launch the book. I put up notices of the proposed launch all around Dalkey and the library was packed to the ceiling for a wonderful evening. We nearly sold out all of the books on the spot!
Dalkey Writers’ Workshop published two more anthologies; Catching the Light in 2007 and Circle Time in 2011, all the covers were painted by Alma.
At the time of writing we have many new members and hopes are high that we will continue writing new and wonderful prose, poetry and memoir for many years to come.